Want, Believe, Allow, Plan

I think there are four steps to living a life you love:

  1. We need to know what we want.

  2. We need to believe that we can have it

  3. We need to allow ourselves to have our needs met

  4. We need a plan.

Sounds easy right?! If only it was!

The first step is to get clear about what you want. What we want changes often. What you wanted five years ago may no longer sound any good and that's ok. In fact, it is excellent! Changing your wants is a wonderful sign that you are growing and shifting. Don’t feel bad if you no longer want something you once did. Knowing what you want will lead you to what you need. It's impossible to get what you need if you don’t know what it is that you actually want!

Once you have decided what you want, you need to do some work to make sure that you believe that you can have it. That it's possible for you. We often think that we want something, but have a nagging voice in the back of our heads telling us that it's probably not possible. Your voice could be way more aggressive than that. It may be telling you that you are not good enough, clever enough or worthy of the goal your heart desires.

I believe that anything you want, you have the power to achieve. Ask around. People want weird things. Different things. One of my friends wants to climb high mountains. I could not think of anything worse! And that's ok. We all have different wants, different desires, as we have different life purposes. We are all here to learn and solve things. What would you do if you knew that you could not fail? If you removed all the barriers of time and money and age and talent, what would you want? There is something in that.

Allowing is an interesting concept. It means to let someone have something. Often it is us that is stopping ourselves from having what we want. We make decisions for other people. We decide what can and can't happen instead of throwing our arms wide to the universe and stating what it is we need and want. Giving yourself the time to learn something new, the money to buy the equipment to build your dream or the space to create what you want. We need to allow other people to help us. To collaborate and let others contribute to your dream. Asking for help can be incredibly hard. Most often people love to help. Especially to help you achieve something that you are passionate about.

Once you have overcome the barriers of knowing, believing and allowing, you need a plan. Act as if your thing is definitely going to happen. What do you need to DO? What's your first step? Leap and the net will appear is a wonderful quote about stepping into your future possibility. About doing something. Action is always the answer. No matter how small each day, take a step. Phone someone, research something, go somewhere.
It is in our 'daily doing' that we make the most progress.
Stop putting off your life! Now is the time to want, believe, allow and plan!

Lisa O'Neill