“Lisa was hands down the star of the show and so deeply integral in the events overall success.”

Extraordinary events, bespoke experiences

Organising events is hard work!
Having a speaker that is easy to work with, understands your audience and delivers a bespoke experience for your people gives you one less thing to worry about.

Lisa’s current keynote topics

All keynotes are tailored to suit your event objecties and audience. Messages from different topics can also be combined into one keynote.

Everything you want

Everyone wants to live a joyful life.  A life where you have the freedom to do what you want, where you are surrounded by people you can trust and you have the energy you need to get things done.  Taking control where you can and taking daily action to live well.

There are 6 foundations that we need to address to live this way. 

Six simple things that we need to address to have an amazing magnificent life.

I’m passionate about people leading big happy magnificent lives. She will inspire, teach and show you how you can live the best life ever! 

Leading yourself to lead others

Leadership is less about what you are doing and more about who you are being. Being the best version of yourself is essential if you want people to follow you.

Lisa has taught 1000’s of people to learn how to be the best version of themselves. The combination of awareness, intention is required. This keynote is designed to inspire leaders into action, to acknowledge their superpowers, to identify their key areas for growth and to step into the leader they need to be.

Turn up turned on

Taking responsibility for your role and your team is a huge part of leadership. Standing up, making yourself visible and showing up as some who can be relied upon are the entry points of leadership. Having the courage to speak up and the commitment to who you are becoming are vital for your own growth as a leader and improving your organisation.

Energy is everything

We live in a weird world! Our energy is scattered, and we are being pulled in so many directions. Maximising our life force is our most important job. Energy is the essence of our existence and yet we waste it in so many ways. Lisa’s latest book is dedicated to helping people to get, guard and give their energy in a conscious way. Lisa has spent 25 years learning about energy - the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual inputs that help us to be intentional and energetic. Helping people to understand their precious life force is Lisa’s favourite work. Helping individuals, leaders and teams to become more aware of their energetic plumbing. Their blockages, the drains and the leaks!

If you are interested in exceeding your customers expectations, leading your team to greatness and being as effective as possible in life then your energy is the first place to start.

Committed to experience

Experience is the most important currency is business. The experience of your customer, your staff, your product and of YOU! Understanding and appreciating the importance of experience is something Lisa is incredibly passionate about.  20 years of sales and service experience combined with an obsession with designing client experiences - Lisa is the perfect person to get people committed to care. To caring about how they show up, to getting awareness of the experience of themselves and how to create incredible experience journeys. Care is everything for businesses now. Smart business owners and leaders understand that committing to their people, their brand and the experience of them is super important.

Experience is the teacher of all things - Julius Caesar

I’d love to talk to you about creating and amazing session for your organisation, client or team - Let’s connect