My New Book

I have spent the past 6 weeks locked away writing a new book!

It's a book about Energy. It is 25 years of learning. It’s about awareness, understanding and action.

Where we get our energy and what depletes it. We need to become aware of our energy. All of the areas that we get and give energy. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It’s literally everything!

This book is about maximising your life force. A call to arms for people who want more energy, who need awareness about where they are leaking energy and how they can increase their force in the world

Our life-force is all we have. I hear people constantly complaining about how they don’t have enough energy, that they wish they had more energy but I don’t see many people proactively seeking out this incredibly important essence.

So many people are unaware, living unintentionally & are unhappy. They do not realise that they have the power to be in charge. That their energy is everything. That if they fix their energy, they can fix their life!

I am obsessed with helping people become aware of their energy. Being intentional. Living with awareness and agency and using their personal power to their advantage.

We live in a weird world! Our energy is scattered and we are being pulled in so many directions. To be good at anything we need to come back to ourselves. To what powers us. To what works for us. In the race to have and do and be everything, we have lost ourselves. Lost connection with where we get our energy.

Understanding your contributors and our contaminators is essential ‘work’. Who and what energises and drains you?

Energy comes at all levels. Physically from food, hydration and sleep that nourish our bodies. Emotional energy arises from doing things that give us joy: being with people we love, laughter and feeling joyful. We increase our mental energy by becoming aware of the beliefs that way us down and shifting our heads. Being able to connect to our spiritual energy is a game changer in that we feel safer, more trusting and build faith in ourselves.

We all need quick wins that will energise us. This book is loaded with ideas and quick wins to impact your energy instantly. Simple hacks that give or get us energy so that we can live the lives we want. Living well means we take the relevant actions to increase our energy and guard it from people and places that drain us.

We are all energetic beings. When you were born, your soul chose a body. Your soul moved in. Literally! While there are many people bumping around on this planet thinking that they are humans having a spiritual experience, let me tell you that life changes when you flip that script! Accepting that you are a soul having a physical experience is a game-changer. You start to notice. You start to see everything as information. You start collecting experiences and feelings and using them to improve the quality of your experiences.

Living in a body is quite a ride! There is maintenance, there are jobs to do and there are a huge number of feelings to process. Listening to your body, creating time and space to honour your mind and all of your energies will change your life. Relationships, arguments, grief, joy and heartache all take up space. They all clip onto your energy and show up in your body. Think of your body like a bank statement of deposits and withdrawals. Nothing goes unnoticed.

So you are a soul riding around in a body. Your body needs fuel. The equation is pretty simple. What you put in you will get out. Giving your body what it needs to be at its best is essential. Working with my body rather than against it was a game-changer for me.

The first 26 years of my life, I did what I wanted. I arrogantly threw crap at my body and expected it to ‘deal with it’. I worked on the assumption that my body worked for me. That it would take what I gave it! I had zero gratitude, was taking zero responsibility and then my body spoke. It said no more. It caused an intervention! It said this has to stop!

That took me on a two-year journey of reestablishing a relationship with my body. My body and I formed a partnership. Like an arranged marriage! I committed to giving it what it needed and it committed to keeping me moving. To allow me to get on with living the big life I wanted to live.

A large part of this partnership required me to spend some time in my head. To unpack some of my beliefs and shift my mindset. I had to understand my mental energy. Our energy starts with our thoughts. What you think has a massive impact on the reality you live in.

Your emotions amplify your energy. We all have a feeling factory inside us. A building full of feelings and emotions. These all affect our energy. Feelings that get ignored or suppressed will rot and create massive issues in your body. Your body holds onto everything. It stores your thoughts, your unprocessed feelings and all the mental and emotional drama that you thought you had gotten away with!

Being a soul driving around in a body means that accessing your spiritual energy is a game changer. Spiritual energy is about healing and protection. It’s about connecting with your higher self, the essence of you. Spiritual energy is where we connect with our purpose, our worth and our intuition.

Connecting with your spiritual energy is not about wearing a kaftan and sandals. You do not have to wear flowers in your hair or ‘become religious’. It is about connecting to your origin story. The who you were before the world told you who to be. It’s about getting in touch with the essence of being YOU.

What your energy says about you and how the world responds to what you are putting out! This book is all about you. Your energy. How you can get more of it, how you can guard your energy from the people who all seem to be constantly on the take. This book is not what you need. You need to take responsibility for your energy!

Taking responsibility for my energy changed my life. I think it can change yours too. Actually, you do need this book - it has all the info inside that is going to change your life! Imagine spending $35 and improving how you feel, how you are received and what you are known for!

When you become aware of what you are putting out into the world, you get to be in charge of how the world responds to you. Are you ready?

Let's get aware, let's take responsibility and let's be intentional!

Energy is due out in May. If you would like to preorder a signed copy, you can here:

Lisa O'Neill