Christmas Magic

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… is it though?

I don’t know about you but this Christmas feels heavy. It feels hard. It could be that we are all fatigued by years of fuckery, it could be that financially things feel tougher. There seems to be a layer of lead hanging in the doorway replacing the fun and flirty mistletoe this year.

I am a crazy positive person who prides themselves on having an over flowing cup - so what worries me most is if I am feeling heavy, what are other people going through?

The world is currently in a lot of pain and here in New Zealand, we are experiencing the most bizarre cultural regression. I have always been proud to be a New Zealander. I love how progressive and powerful we are as a wee country but that has been crushed by the bizarre behaviour of the three bozos currently in charge.

Christmas is supposed to be a magical time of the year. There is always a lot to do, the build-up to it is often exhausting. The shopping, the wrapping, the thinking, the cooking, and the anticipation of visitors and events can be a lot.

This year feels harder as I think people have less air in their tyres!

We are collectively sitting at a lower vibration. Human emotions all have a vibration and hopelessness, despair and fear sit at the lowest end. (Around 30 MHz)

Overwhelm, frustration and blame sit closer to the middle. (Around 100 - 150 MHz) Finding things to be enthusiastic about, focusing on what we are grateful for, and feeling powerful are all wonderful energies that vibrate much higher. (400 - 500 MHz)

As a recovering people pleaser, control freak, and rescuer, I have to be very aware at this time of year that I am not stepping to fix all things for all people!

I keep a close eye on my levels of responsibility, my enthusiasm, and my ability to decide. Here are my tips!

Do not take on other people's experience!
It is not your job to make someone else’s Christmas. Not everyone will enjoy the food, not everyone will get everything that they want, not everyone will want to attend the things that are important to you. Take responsibility of your mood, your mind, and your money. That’s all you really need to worry about

Find time to do the stuff you love.
I love to visit decorated tree displays and houses that are covered in beautiful lights. I love to bake festive shit - cookies and cakes and things covered in red and green sparkles! I love to wrap presents in interesting ways and decorate everything in ribbons. Get enthusiastic about something!

Take some time to decide what you are and are not up for.
Who you want to spend time with and who you need to minimise. Decide what you want to eat and drink and what you want to avoid. Decide on how much you want to spend on things - don’t be swayed into vacating your values to please others.

I plan on spending the next week lightening myself up.
Maybe I’ll wear some fairy lights!

Lisa O'Neill