Being Pushy

I was accused of being pushy this week! Who me??!!

I was pushing someone to be better. Someone who had asked me to work with them. Someone who apparently wanted to be better. But when push came to shove, they dug their heels in. They went into full donkey mode.

Why? Because they were scared. Because what they want is on the other side of what they are avoiding! 

They are scared to step into the spotlight that they apparently want! I get scared. The feeling of paralysis when your tummy knots up and your hands feel clammy. Your body is reacting to what your head is telling you.

Your head is saying all kinds of unhelpful things. Things like ‘you’ll look stupid’, ‘what will everyone think’, ‘what if it doesn’t work’.

What if it does? What if with just a wee shove you could push yourself into the next level of you… push yourself to expand or grow?

One of the incredible humans I am currently mentoring said, "Every time I have a call with you, I go up a level." - he called me a human elevator! It's possibly the greatest thing anyone has ever called me. Elevation is about raising something up. What better to raise up than humans?

I love potential. I love that everyone is born pregnant with possibility. And yet so many cannot see it in themselves. Sometimes people need a push.

I am pushy. Always have been. Over time, I have learnt to plan my pushes. I no longer push everyone. (That was exhausting!) I now push people who want it. People who know that they want more and need a little help getting there. Or know they need something and need help to discover what it is they need or want.

I was asked by a board member if I would work with their CEO recently. I said only if the CEO phoned me. He needed to want it. To ask for it. Otherwise, it doesn’t work.

I love pushing people to be better. To be bold. To step into their power. It’s a combination of being and believing and courage and commitment.

What would happen if you gave yourself a little push? 
What does the next level of you look like?
What unused potential is hiding inside you?

Lisa O'Neill