The Power to Do What We Want

Last year, I sold out of my book "Everything You Want". It is now back in stock and I spent the holidays reading it!

Reading your own book is a weird experience. It feels weirdly familiar but distant at the same time. It takes me back to my thinking at the time of writing.

Everything You Want was written to help people to get what they want. The two biggest blocks for getting what you want are believing that you can have what you want and then knowing what to do to get it!

We all have the power to do what we want. The problem is that we forget.

We don’t see the opportunities that we could choose. We create a life of limits and cages and then forget that we created them. The things we once wanted can become nooses around our necks.

We become committed to patterns of behaviour because they feel familiar. We stay in jobs and friendships and roles that we have outgrown.

There are times in life when we wake up to the fact that the people and places with which we are most familiar no longer generate the conditions we need to thrive. A new year can do that to you

Maybe you are looking at the 12 months ahead with dull complacency. Or worse still, heavy dread. The feeling you get when you know you have to change.

Usually, it’s fear. Deep fear, designed to keep you safe pulls you in to stay the same. It gives you all the reasons it can to convince you that staying the same is easier. That change might be bad.

Change isn’t easy. It's often easier to keep applying the same formula you always have. Doing this will guarantee the same result. You will become familiar with this and think it is what you deserve.

I think we should question more! Question everything. Get present to constantly question what it is that you want at any given time.

Change is scary. Changing is brave. But never forget that you have the power to do what you want.

Often, the only power we have is to change our minds. Changing your mind is the first step. It costs nothing. You can do it at any time.

This is a wonderful time of the year to sit and ponder. To wonder and to consider. To imagine all of your options and your possibilities.

I am at an age now where I refuse to settle. I want to make my days count. I want to die empty! “Die Empty” is a book written by Todd Henry. Filled with tools for people who aren’t willing to put off their most important work for another day. The book explains the forces that keep us in stagnation and introduces a process for instilling consistent practices into your life that will keep you on a true and steady course.

"Refuse to settle. Make your days count.
Embrace the importance of now, and refuse to allow the lull of comfort, fear, familiarity, and ego to prevent you from taking action on your ambitions…The cost of inaction is vast. Don’t go to your grave with your best work inside of you. Choose to die empty.”
Todd Henry

Inspired action is my kaupapa. I love to inspire people to change. To push them to grow. Inspiration is awesome but alone, it is not useful. It has a very short shelf-life without application. It needs to sit closely beside action.

I meet people full of dreams. My mum calls them ‘gunna’s! People who are 'gunna' do this and 'gunna' do that!

They have the inspiration but they have no action. They have the hui but they have no do-ey.

An easy way to get into action is to remind yourself that you have the power! As Glinda, the good witch, told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz,

“You had the power all along my dear…”

Lisa O'Neill