Getting Ahead

I don’t know about you but I have felt behind all of this year. Like I have been several steps behind where I want to be or what I want to do. So I have a plan!

Let’s cancel March. Let’s catch up!

If we put a line through March then we have four weeks to get ready for April. Take that April fool!!!

We will be ready and sorted. We have just created four weeks of get-ready time! How good does that feel? Take that calendar! Ha!

Have a look at life April to December. 
What’s going on? 
What do you need to do? 
What do you want to do?

Start planning and organising things. Phone people, book stuff. Start conversations. High level, here are my themes:

April - loads of travel
May - new book launch
June - loads of events
July - daughter's 21st

Each of these ‘themes’ involves admin and planning and thinking and meeting and doing. None of this shit is going to just happen…

Making a list of things needed for each theme helps me to get sorted. It helps me to get ahead of what I need and when I need it by.

The feeling that I am ahead of myself is something I love. It's way better than feeling behind! I love accessing my power and feeling in charge. Nothing has changed except I have made a decision. I feel in charge! But that still leaves us with March. I am not a magician! There are still things to do.

What are the balls you cannot drop in March? Events? Birthdays? Commitments?

Make a note of them. Make a list of the minimum you can get away with to ‘do’ March.

Don’t forget the Easter bunny - he will be sliding in at the end of March. Plan your chocolate. 

Plan your Easter weekend.

Lisa O'Neill