
I’m giving you 4 days off!

Easter is my favourite holiday as in my world it's the holiday with the least to do. I don’t have to wrap gifts, put up a tree and cook specific foods.

We don’t really have any Easter traditions - I used to love buying my kids winter pyjamas and slippers but they have all moved on from mummy's flannelette treats!

So four days. That’s nearly a working week! Four days off. What will you do with this magical time? Time is our most magical currency. We can get more money and we can replenish our energy but we cannot get more time.

What if you used this time to take off more than just days? What if you gave yourself permission to take off your responsibilities, your judgements and your rules? What if this Easter you did whatever you wanted? 

You could have chocolate for breakfast. You could lie on the couch all day. You could not do any dishes, nor visit any people. You could do ‘whatever the fuck you want’! Years ago, I implemented ‘whatever the fuck I want’ (WTFIW) days and they have been a game-changer.

You get to remove the weight of the world. You get to come out from under the elephant of expectation. Removing the shackles that we are so used to is exhilarating. It takes conscious permission. For most of us, it is actually uncomfortable. Our conditioning is so comforting. We sit back safe in the comfort of ‘how we are’ and ‘what we do’. We have absorbed rules about what we can and can’t do. Of who we are and who we are not.

What would you do if you could actually do WTFYW? 
Would you sleep all day?
Would you drive to a favourite spot and people-watch?
Would you cook your favourite recipe? Would you go and visit your favourite person? 

Often, it’s less about what you are going to do and more about what you aren’t. 

Try taking a few days off from your conditioned “I have to’s” and lean all the way into I want to! Even if it's only for 4 days - have a go at being the person you were before you were told to be. Before you were told to make your bed, do your chores, eat certain foods. Banish rules and obligations and see how it feels!

I’m calling it the great Easter Experiment - who’s in?

Lisa O'Neill