
What are the rules of YOU?

I am not a fan of rules normally but over the years I have written a “manifesto of me”. This document states my rules and my preferences.

This time of year is the perfect time to declare some of your rules! Going into the ‘silly season’ with some boundaries is a great idea. You are about to be pushed, coerced, judged and shoved into all kinds of situations and a lot of the people you manage to avoid for the rest of the year!!

Are you an introvert that hates office parties?

Are you an adult that is sick of being treated as a child!?

Are you a vegetarian that doesn’t want to “have some ham” because it's a tradition!

Are you committed to your health and have decided that alcohol isn’t necessary for you to celebrate?

Have you done lots of personal development and fear the undercurrent of people who ‘you used to know’ pulling you back to where ‘you used to be’?

All these situations take some managing…

Have a meeting with yourself and decide what you will and won’t tolerate.
Have a plan to remove yourself from situations that you are uncomfortable with or are no longer willing to tolerate.

Taking time to consider situations, your conditions and your responses is a powerful way to head into the next three weeks. Have a discussion with your nearest and dearest about any concerns you have and any help you may need.

This is different to worrying and overthinking potential situations that may not occur. It comes from a place of personal power. It comes from making decisions rather than having reactions. It comes from identifying your needs and making a plan.

If you don’t know where to start, here are my rules for me that you are welcome to borrow!

1. I am respected.
I do not tolerate people speaking badly to me.
No one is allowed to treat me badly.

2. I am loving and kind.
I am kind and give people the benefit of the doubt.
(Being kind is an easy thing to do. Think about where others are coming from)
I believe that people are good.
I will give anyone one chance, maybe two. Never three!

3. I do what I love.
(This stops me being resentful and bored gives you instant energy.)
I work with people I love, in places I like, doing what I want.

4. I deserve the best.
I spend a lot of time and money on my energy:
I have regular bodywork.
I am well supported.
I spend a lot of money on good food.
I buy myself things that I love.

5. I say what I think.
I believe that there is a personal power in speaking your truth.

Many of the situations you have ahead of you, you have dealt with before… In the words of Albert Einstein: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a new result!

I love the beautiful words of Maya Angelou:

“You may not control all of the events that happen to you but you can decide not to be reduced by them!”

I'd love to know what your rules are!

Lisa O'Neill